Introduction of Yoga 
The word yoga derived from "Yog" which means addition. Thus, Yoga means the addition of soul (atman) and God (Paramatma).
Yoga was originated proudly in India about 5000 years ago.
- What is yoga?
- Origin of yoga
- Yoga Guidelines
- Etiquettes of a yoga class
Yoga asanas 
The yoga postures are called Yoga Asanas in Hindi language. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, asanas mean the position of sitting of a Yogi/Yogini.
- Meditative postures: Sukhasana, Sidhasana, Padamasana, Vajrasana
- Dynamic postures: Pawanmuktasana Series, Marjariasana, Vyaghrasana, Surya Namaskar, Shandra Namaskar
- Standing postures: Tadasana, Utkatasana, Trikonasana, Parshwakonasana, veerbhadrasana
- Balancing postures: Vrikshasana, Bakdhyanasana, Natrajasana, Mayurasana
- Inverted postures: Sirsasana, Pinchamayurasana, Halasana, Sarvangasana
- Twisting postures: Merubakrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Back-bend postures: Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Kandhrasana, Chakrasana, Rajkapotasana
- Forward-bend postures: Janusirasana, Paschimotanasana, Padprasar Paschimotanasana
- Relaxation postures: Balasana, Makarasana, Savasana
The breathing techniques are called "Pranayamas". Pranayama (Sanskrit: Pranayama) alternatively translated as "extension of the prana (breath or life force)" or "breath control."
- Kapala-Bhati (frontal brain cleansing)
- Nadi-Sodhanam (psychic network purification)
- Ujjayi (the psychic breath)
- Bhastrika (bellows breath)
- Sheetatli (cooling breath)
- Sheetkari (hissing breath)
- Bhramari (humming bee breath)
- Surya-Bheda (vitality stimulating breath)
Mantra chanting 
The sacred and sanctified utterance of Mantras is called Mantra Chanting. Gayatri mantra, Om mantra, Shanti mantra are a few examples which we teach to pronounce in our school.
- Ganesh mantra
- Gayatri mantra
- Shanti mantra
- Guru mantra
- Aum mantra
Shatkarma (yogic cleansing) 
The six techniques of purification in Hatha Yoga Pradeepika. Shatkarma makes the body pure, clean and strong.
The six techniques are - Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli and Kapalabhati.
- Jal neti (nasal cleansing with water)
- Sutra neti (nasal cleansing with water)
- Shankprakshanlana (cleansing of the git)
- Nauli (abdominal breathing)
- Trataka (concentrated gazing)
Yoga mudras (gestures) are the staple way to heal by your hands as you may not know that hands hold an inborn accumulation of healing power/energy.
- Bhairava mudra
- Chin mudra
- Hridaya mudra
- Jnan mudra
- Vishnu mudra
The body locks or energy locks are called Bandhas. We teach Mula Bandha - Anal Lock, Uddiyana Bandha - Lifting of the Diaphragm, Jalandhara Bandha - Chin Lock, Maha Bandha - Practice of all three Bandhas at the same time.
- Jalandhar bandha (chin lock)
- Maha bandha
- Mula bandha (root lock)
- Uddiyana bandha (abdominal lock)
Yoga Anatomy 
Basics of yoga anatomy, the modern science of yoga anatomy and how the yoga and meditation affect your body and mind.
Yoga Philosophy 
Basics of yoga anatomy, the modern science of yoga anatomy and how the yoga and meditation affect your body and mind.
Teaching Methodology 
Various teaching techniques that how to teach to your beloved students, how to teach beginners or advanced yogis are included in the course.